The Down Syndrome Research Forum is a regular international event, hosted and sponsored by Down Syndrome Education International for over 30 years. The event attracts researchers, practitioners and family members from around the world to learn about current scientific research, how it can inform better support for young people with Down syndrome, and to discuss future directions.
This year, we received a record number of submissions and have scheduled an extra day to include more presentations than ever before. The presentations will cover a wide range of topics, including learning, attention, motivation and executive function, social and emotional development, speech and language, learning maths, learning to read, sleep, vision and links with behaviour and learning. Topics will also include parents’ experiences of maternity care, early health care, being involved in research, teaching their children to read, and siblings’ experiences.
We will welcome presenters from throughout Europe, North America and beyond and expect them to be joined by hundreds of participants in over 30 countries. We welcome established and early career researchers, students, education and health professionals, and family members interested in advancing evidence-based care and support for young people with Down syndrome.
The 2025 Down Syndrome Research Forum will be held online over three days between 08:45 and 19:00 GMT each day. Sessions will be recorded and made available to registered participants after the event for on-demand viewing for a period of one month.
Please note: as Europe will not have moved to summer/daylight time on these dates, while North America will have, the time difference between the UK and North America will be 1 hour less than usual (4 hours for the East Coast, rather than 5, and 7 hours for the West Coast, rather than 8).
The event will be hosted on Zoom. You can learn more about the technical requirements for using Zoom here.
We encourage participants to attend as much of the live event as they can for opportunities to participate in discussions with presenters and panellists. We also encourage participants to engage with us, presenters and panellists, and each other before, during and after the event in our community forums.